Dermal fillers are a very popular aesthetics treatment used for smoothing, contouring, and restoring volume to the face and body. Before you indulge, know the do's and don'ts to keep you safe and make the most of your dermal filler treatments!

Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, St. John's Wort, oral Vitamin E, ginkgo, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) in the 24 hours PRIOR TO AND AFTER your treatment as they may promote the risk of bruising and bleeding in the injection area. You can still take Tylenol for pain.
If you are currently taking blood-thinning medications, discuss the use of these medications with your healthcare provider prior to your treatment. You may or may not be a candidate for treatment with cosmetic dermal fillers.
Avoid any hair removal treatments in the area(s) to be treated 2-3 days before the treatment.
If you are prone to cold sores (oral herpes simplex), take your prescribed medication as prescribed in the 24 hours prior to your treatment. If you have an active cold sore, please contact your provider to reschedule your procedure after your cold sore has resolved.
If you have any active skin irritation, breakout, acne, sores in the area of the procedure or any active infection (viral, bacterial, fungal), please contact your provider to reschedule your procedure after the active condition has resolved.
Avoid salty foods before and after your treatments because the sodium can increase your risk of swelling.
It is best not consume alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours before and after treatment, as alcohol may increase bruising risk.
It is best not consume caffeine the day of your treatment, as caffeine may slow healing.
It is best not go in with makeup applied or at least be prepared to remove it. Makeup can potentially contamination of the treatment areas.
Eat well and stay hydrated before your appointment.
Do not get treatments if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The safety profile of these treatments has not been fully established for this client population.
Try to schedule your appointment at least two (2) weeks before special events since swelling can take up to two (2) weeks to resolve.
Avoid applying pressure, massaging, or touching the treated area for six (6) hours after the procedure. The area can then be gently washed with a cleanser and water.
Avoid vigorous scrubs, exfoliation, or any facial treatments (including hair removal treatments) in the area of treatment for 72 hours.
Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or UV/tanning beds for 72 hours after the procedure.
Avoid manipulation of the area following the injection unless specifically instructed otherwise by your injector.
For pain/discomfort, use cool packs and over-the-counter analgesics (Acetaminophen, Tylenol).
Oral or topical Arnica Montana, an herbal supplement, may help with reducing swelling caused by cosmetic treatments. DO NOT take Arnica Montana if you have liver or kidney problems.
If you are prone to cold sores (oral herpes simplex), take your prescribed medication (Famvir, Famciclovir, Valtrex, Valacyclovir, Acyclovir) as prescribed for at least the 24 hours after your treatment.
If you develop signs and symptoms of infection (warmth at the site of injection, discharge/pus, persistent pain/discomfort) or if you develop a fever, contact your provider.
If you have any other questions or concerns about your specific case, be sure to contact your provider.
Check back here regularly for more tips on how to safely make the most of your aesthetics treatments from your friend - Dr. G!